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About BUMS

BUMS (Unani)

Bachelor of Unani Medicine & Surgery is a 5 year course. Eligibility for the course is 10+2, intermediate cleared. Admissions for such course are on the basis of counseling after clearing entrance tests depending on the colleges. Unani is the fourth most popular medication system in India after the allopathic, Ayurveda and homeopathic system. According to this system there are four elements in human body as the Blood, Phlegm, yellow bile and the black bile. This is similar to the Ayurveda in term of the four elements and as popular as the Ayurveda.


Syllabus and Course Description

Ist Professional

IInd Professional

IIIrd Professional

  1. Tashreeh-ul-Badan (Anatomy)
  2. Munafe-ul-aza (Physiology)
  3. Umoor-e-Tabaiya
  4. Mantiq, FalsafawaHaiyat
  5. Arabic
  6. Tarikh-e-Tib
  1. IlmulAdvia I (Kulliyat&Mufradat)
  2. IlmulAdvia II (Murakkabat&Saidla)
  3. IlmulAmraz and Sareeriyat (Pathology & Bed side clinic)
  4. IlmulSamoom and Tib-e-Qanooni (Medical Jurisprudence & Toxicology)
  5. Tahaffuzi-o-SamajiTib [Hygiene (Hifzan-e-Sehat)]
  1. Moalijat I
  2. Moalijat II
  3. Jarahiyat (Surgery)
  4. Amraz-e-Ain, Uzn, AnafwaHalaq (Ophthalmology & ENT)
  5. IlmulQabalaNiswanwaAtfal (Gyae, Obs. &Paed.)

Job profiles:

The job profiles after completing the BUMS programme are as the following:

Recruiters or Employers:

Job Position

Job Description

Average Annual Pay Scale in INR


You can find employment in commercial or government laboratories, hospitals and higher education institutions.

3 to 4 Lacs


The field of clinical therapy is diverse and includes many specialties, such as marriage and family therapy, mental health counseling and addictions counseling. Providing mental health help and support for those that need it, a therapist’s job description is far-reaching.

6 to 7 Lacs


Prepares medications by reviewing and interpreting physician orders; detecting therapeutic incompatibilities. Controls medications by monitoring drug therapies; advising interventions.It is an applied medical science.

4 to 5 Lacs

Average Fee

The tuition fees by average for Bachelor of Unani Medicine & Surgery comes between INR 50,000 to 6.3 Lakhs for the span of three years.

Average Salary

The average salary for graduates Bachelor of Unani Medicine & Surgery is around INR 2 to10 Lacs but this can be higher on the basis of experience and other factors.

Description Of BUMS