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BSc forestry

Bachelor of Science in Forestry is a four-year undergraduate program that is divided into eight equal semesters.It provides students with the knowledge and training about ForestryForestry program trains students in the managing of forests, new plantation, maintaining old plantations and other natural resources


Course syllabus

The year-wise breakup of the course’s syllabus stating all the subjects is mentioned below. The first-year deals with core aspects like the Principle of civil culture, Forest ecology, Cytology, General biochemistry while the second year includes subjects like Dendrology, Principles of forest soil sciences, Surveying, etc.

Year 1

Moral values of education

Forest mensuration

Professional communication

Environmental studies I

Human development

Introduction to forest soil science

Principle of civil culture


Forest ecology

Principles of forest soil sciences



Elementary Mathematics

Fundamentals of Extension Education

General Biochemistry

Tree Seed Technology

Introduction to Tree Science

Agro Meteorology

Computer Applications

General forest microbiology

Physical Education


Year 2


Environmental Studies II

Forest Management

Silvicultural Systems

Forest Entomology

Wood Science

Silviculture of Indian Trees

Livestock Management

The fertility of Forest Soils

Fundamentals of Wildlife

General Forest Microbiology

Forest Soil Survey

Nursery Management

Statistical Methods

Wood Anatomy

Statistical Methods




Year 3

Forest utilization I

Fruit production

Forest utilization II

Rangeland Management

Tree physiology


Forest pathology

Forest biotechnology

Forest soils

Tree improvement

Commercial forestry

Wildlife management

Forest production economics

Forest policy legislation

Plantation forestry

Wood seasoning

Year 4

Study tour

Soil water management


Forest project


Forestry work experience

Environmental Impact Assessment

Climate change

Career Options

BSc Forestry course is best for those who want to enhance their awareness regarding the latest technology used in the field of Forestry.After completing the course, the graduates can work as an 

Scope of Work:

Zoological parks

Wildlife ranges

Wildlife research institutes

Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE) and its affiliated institutes

Corporates having their own plantations for timbering

National parks & sanctuaries

Forest nurseries

Wildlife department

Job profiles

Average fee

Average salary


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